Press Release March 20, 2017

Kiwi Artificial Sky is operative at BEARS

Kiwi Artificial Sky in the BEARS Lab, Singapore

We are really happy to have worked for the BEARS lab in Singapore is a real pleasure and honor. The support from the brilliant Research Engineer I Komang Narendra and its staff was really amazing and unique. said Podestà.

The Kiwi Compact Artificial Sky is now operative and comprises the following major components:

The Kiwi Compact Artificial Sky System is an impressive device able to reproduce any type of sky: 15+1 CIE/ISO defined skies, statistical skies and measured ones.

When all sensors are activated, a scan of the sky can be completed in less than a hour. Only one scan is necessary for infinite simulations. It is ideal for Climate Based Design. After the scan the weather conditions can be applied on the model with the speed of computer and accuracy of physical simulation: the best of both worlds.

BEARS lab appreciates a lot the device, one of their researchers has already filed a patent for the evaluation of the performance of complex fenestration systems under direct and diffuse daylight. The patent is managed by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).


BEARS stands for Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore. BEARS was established in 2011 by the University of California, Berkeley as a non-profit company. The organization is funded by the National Research Foundation of Singapore and directed by Professor Masayoshi Tomizuka. BEARS major research program is SinBerBEST led by Professor Costas Spanos, and focused on use-inspired basic research in novel demand-side energy and carbon footprint reduction for tropical buildings. The SinBerBEST is an interdisciplinary group of researchers from UC Berkeley, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and the National University of Singapore (NUS).


Phone: +39 0523 650217


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